quote Lacey Stenson

“Dan’s direct, bold and provocative style is unmatched. He gets everyone to engage and lean in, right from the beginning. One of the best presentations I’ve heard in a long time.”

Stanford Graduate School of Business

quote – delinda forsythe
“Dan has a fresh message and a direct and highly effective style.” quote_end
CEO and Founder
at Innovative Commercial Environments (ICE)

Seth Godin makes a great point in his latest article when he says that the phrase ‘I have no good ideas’ is a cop-out for not having any riskless ideas. We believe in being bold to achieve success. You don’t move forward if you are afraid to take a few risks. He says, “Pretty good ideas are easy”. We believe that finding your path is simple, just not easy. There will be challenges along the way, and struggle, but isn’t it worth it? Imagine how boring our lives would be if we always took the easy path. To achieve bold success, we must be bold and willing to make difficult decisions!
