Stop Waiting and Start Acting! Bridge the Gap Today


Seth Godin asked the age-old question in his recent blog post, “But where’s the money?” Oh and boy did it resonate with me. We are the company trying to impact lives by training and coaching relevance with the next generation client and employee. And we are sure that this connection, bridging the gap between youth and experience, is where the magic happens. Yet, companies constantly tell us they don’t have the budget to explore that magic, which will create disruptive results.

Now, we are sure that a disconnect between the generations exists – and that it is very, very big. We also know through client wins that the most unique and lucrative place is where youth and experience combine to create relevant and profitable businesses and solutions. Yet, why does everyone want to wait until they have more money to understand it and maximize their workplace? Seth said it best when he told this story:

“my colleague was talking to the CEO of a fast-growing small business about a partnership opportunity. The CEO said, “well, this is something we believe in, something we want to have happen,” and then he continued, “in fact, it’s something my partners and I want to be able to support in our personal and our corporate lives.” 

Btw, I hear that all day, everyday about people that want or need coaching to move forward, create growth and sales in their business, and to connect with millennial employees and clients. But then they decline just like Seth’s guy:

“he (they) declined, because, times are tough, the company is small, they need all their resources, etc.”

Seth, a brilliant wordsmith, suggests:

“If you aren’t willing to live your values now, when will you start?”

A company that begins with its priorities straight–about how it will keep promises, treat its workers, support causes it believes in–will rarely have trouble becoming the kind of company that does this at scale. But if you put it in a folder marked “later,” it may never happen.”

So, I say DO SOMETHING and make it happen! Do what you have wanted to do, because in the fastest paced world ever, you need to think about moving, disrupting and acting. And who is going to be there to help you or buy from you? Milllennials, a.k.a the next generation. Only 23% of companies have a plan in place to do that. The other 77% do nothing or continue to complain… but how about doing something? How about taking action to create something profitable and positive?

As Seth says:

“So yes, doing the thing that you believe in will get you better employees, better customers and more growth.”

Why? Because it is what you need to do to build your business. The alternative, putting it in a folder to wait for someone else to kick your butt and then try and shift, is not that effective. You don’t need me to tell you that.

Instead, don’t ignore the action you need to take to engage and connect with the next generation of clients and employees who are growing to 75% of the workforce by 2025 and 83 million strong today with $660 billion worth of retail spending power.

Start now with a plan to define your relevance and then go create it. NOW!

Our book get’s you started:

Chasing Relevance by Dan Negroni

Chasing Relevance: 6 Steps to Understand, Engage and Maximize Next-Generation Leaders in the Workplace