One of our most popular blog articles ever is this one: The 5 Most Common Fears That Are Keeping You from Success. However, fear isn’t the only thing that keeps us from success. Well, what does? After training over 20,000 young employees and their managers, we found they were simply underdeveloped in three key areas critical to personal success.
Dig in and be honest with yourself about where you could use some improvement – growth is essential and worth the work. We can support you so can start creating the impact you want to have on the world. Start now with the most common areas where we see people holding themselves back:
- You Don’t Know Your Strengths
We all have our own innate talents and strengths – yes, even you! However, if you’re struggling to see the results you want in your career, it might be because you’re not working from your strengths. This usually happens to people for two reasons:
- You’re not aware of what your strengths even are so you don’t know how to leverage them in your current role.
- You’re not aware of your strengths AND you’re currently in a role that’s mismatched for the strengths you actually have. In other words, you’re working outside of your “zone of genius.”
No matter what the reason, the first step to solving is to get clear on your strengths. At launchbox we love the StrengthsFinder test – we actually recommend it inside of our on-demand coaching program, Hooga. Start by taking the test to discover your strengths. Then figure out how to make them work for you. Just being aware of them might be enough to create change, but probably not. Do the work and really think about whether the strengths you have fit the role you’re in. If they don’t match up, you might want to think about changing positions, jobs, or even careers! If they do match up, spend some time thinking about how you can better leverage your strengths for success.
- You Don’t Know How to Articulate Your Story
Once you’ve identified your strengths, you need to get clear on your story: who you are, where you’ve been, and what you have to bring to the table (e.g. your strengths!) Your story is your “connection currency” – it’s how you build real deal relationships with other people and form connections. When you have a well-defined story, you can use it at any time to strengthen relationships with people you already know, make new bonds, pitch a client, etc. Humans are hardwired to tell stories – so make sure your story is your competitive advantage! Use these three questions to get you started:
- Who am I?
- What is my experience so far?
- What value do I bring?
Want detailed help? Hit us up for assistance. Our app coaching program, Hooga, walks you through discovering and developing your story.
- You Don’t Know How to Communicate Effectively
Communication is a really, really big deal. We spend a lot of time here at launchbox not only talking about why communication is important, but how to do it better. Because quite frankly we suck at it.
Luckily for us though, better communication is a coachable and learnable skill. All of us are already in possession of the #1 most important communication tool we could ever need – our ears! Great communicators are great listeners. They also ask great questions. So, if something’s holding you back in your life and career, take a hard look at how you’re communicating. Are you talking more than you’re listening? Is it all about YOU? Do you ask questions and not really listen to the answers? It’s easy to slip into poor communication habits, but our relationships (especially in this virtual world of work) need us to figure this out. Click here to check out a recent blog we did with 5 more tools you need for great communication.
These are 3 of the most common ways we see people holding themselves back. For a more personalized evaluation and recommendations for improvement, reach out to us about our one-on-one coaching. We’ve helped hundreds of individuals kickstart the next chapter of their story through our high-performance coaching solution – get started today.
If you’re looking for a quick and easy to start improving your life now, check out Hooga. With Hooga you’ll build a strong, sustainable foundation that will allow you to unlock the best version of yourself on your terms. Try it now!