
We’ve led the charge in speaking about why coaching is so beneficial and more specifically, spoken extensively at keynotes and workshops all over the country about the value of on-demand coaching. We also see coaching as “the new training and development” and of the utmost importance to the development of our next generation of leaders as our workplaces continued to change and evolve rapidly. Though no one could have predicted our workplaces would be required to drastically shift literally overnight, through COVID-19. It is crystal clear that what hasn’t changed is the need for personalized training and support for people who want to become their best selves and succeed in spite of every challenge. And there’s no bigger challenge right now than COVID-19.

The facts are that we’ve been fortunate to have coached thousands of individuals around the world, across industries and generations. We know and guarantee that coaching is the key way high-performance individuals can improve their results, achieve their goals, and make a greater impact on the world. But now, it’s never been more important as we deal with feelings of isolation, anxiety, fear, frustration, and uncertainty – everything that goes along with trying to work through a global pandemic.

Here are just a few reasons why you should consider hiring a coach to help you crush your goals in business and in life:

You’ll Get to Focus on the Most Important Relationship in Your Life: Yourself

Coaching helps you work from the inside out. We know that you can’t help others or make an impact for them if you don’t know who you are and what you really have to give. Personalized, on-demand coaching is your opportunity to create the space you need to work on yourself. Specifically, creating space between stimulus and response and owning your thoughts are the most important factors in creating success. Coaches can and must help you learn to articulate your story and connect to yourself so you can build better and stronger relationships with others. Helping you discover your own values and what really matters to you so can connect to purpose, contribution, and impact in everything you do is what we all seek.

You’ll Own the Gift of Self Reliance:  Accountability

With all of us working at home with little to do outside of work and family life, it’s easy for time to just slip away. To get caught up in the “doing” of our day-to-day lives without pausing to reflect and make sure we’re actually making progress and developing ourselves. Your coach will help you find tools to hold you accountable through regular check-ins to help you bust through any obstacles, so you create the change you’re seeking. We guarantee changing your life is a no BS business where coaches can help cut right to the heart of your problems.

You’ll Be Pushed Outside Your Comfort Zone

Unlike your friends and family, your coach isn’t there to keep you safe. They will create a safe space for you to grow and change, and their real job is to push you. In order to become your best self and stop being stuck, you have to get outside your comfort zone, dig deep, and do the hard work. Your coach will push you when you need it to help propel you forward. In our lifetime, the world has not been tougher than it is right now. But in every obstacle, there is opportunity. Coaches help you find your superpower, articulate it, and push through and seize those opportunities so you can succeed and make a big impact for others.

Your Opportunities and Income Will Grow

Now this isn’t the only reason to pursue personalized coaching, and yet it is a big motivator for a lot of people. Whether you want a promotion, a raise, a new career, or to start your own business, coaching can help you meet your goals and more. Coaches are experts at helping people get to the next level and as a result, many of our clients do experience an increase in opportunities and income. Just another benefit of investing in yourself!

Wondering how coaching can help you change your life? Reach out to us to learn about our options for personalized, on-demand coaching. From one-on-one coaching with one of our launchbox coaches to virtual, on-demand learning through our new product, Hooga, we are here to help you get where you want to go. Guaranteed! Start your journey now – reach out!

In our launchbox laboratory, we’ve had the pleasure of training and coaching more than 12,000 millennial and Gen Z employees – the workers of the future. And one thing we’ve noticed from working with this group? They want mentoring and coaching on-demand. Not old school leadership development training and conferences. They are hungry to learn, but they want it on their terms.  And they want you to really show them all the rules and systems.

As a business owner or manager, it’s your job to turn your organization upside down, listen to what your people want, and then give it to them. Start now and understand that if coaching and mentoring is the new leadership development training (and we think it is!) how do you give your employees more of what they want and less of what they don’t want?  And, under terms they will understand and be able to adopt with the new training?

Allow Them to Seek Out Their Own Mentors

You may have your own coach or training program that resonates with you. Which is great. But don’t expect that what works for you will work for everyone on your team. Yes you should send them to conferences and workshops you believe will benefit them. But if your employee comes to you about an event they’d like to attend, let them. Trust me, your people are smarter than you probably give them credit for. If they’re self-motivated enough to find a mentor they like and want to learn from, the best thing you can do is have their back. Give them what they think they need to crush performance for you. And then get out of the friggin’ way!

Embrace On-the Spot Coaching in the Workplace

Do you keep a mental checklist of all the things you want to talk to your employees about at their next performance review? Here’s a radical idea: instead of saving your feedback for a formal review, embrace on-the-spot coaching. If one of your people does something wrong or something you don’t like, correct them right there and then. Don’t wait for an arbitrary date on the calendar. And if they do something you DO like, make sure you tell them about it! Don’t keep it a secret!

Make Space for Personal Development During the Work Day

Did you know that the average worker only has only 24 minutes per week to learn something new? That’s a new skill, new technology, or new tools for their own development. So as a boss, help them out. Rather than leaving it up to them to get the mentoring and coaching they need outside of work, allow space for it during the workday. If they need to leave a little early to go to their networking group or if they can only do calls with their coach at 1pm on Wednesdays, let them. Don’t just tell them you care about them and have their back, show them!

Develop a Practice of Open and Transparent Communication

You owe it to your people to be honest with them not only about their current job performance, but about their career goals too. If you know that one of your employees eventually wants a management position or that they’d like to move to a new team or department, be transparent with them about what it’s going to take to get there and help them if you can. Yes, even if that means they may eventually leave you. When you demonstrate that you care and you show up for people in the way that they need, they’re going to want to give you their best for as long as they’re with you.


Want help providing coaching and mentoring opportunities for your employees? Reach out to us – we can help! And if you’re local in San Diego, send your team to one of our upcoming Strengths & Story workshops.